You can find details for each Kings Local Committee by clicking on the corresponding link under "Committees".
Here are the Annual Reports for 2017-18 :
Annual Report 2017-18 - President
Annual Report 2017-18 - Past President
Annual Report 2017-18 - 1st Vice President
Annual Report 2017-18 - Professional Development
Annual Report 2017-18 - Public Affairs & Public Relations
Annual Report 2017-18 - Equity
Committee Guidelines
Kings Local NSTU
Committee Information
From the NSTU Guidebook
The Local Executive shall establish the following Standing Committees:
Professional Development
The Local Executive may establish the following Standing Committees:
Economic Welfare
Substitute teacher
New Teacher
Public Affairs/Public Relations
Members are to be appointed by the Local Executive on an annual basis.
All Standing Committees of the Local shall be chaired by a Local Executive member.
The Immediate Past President or designate shall chair the Resolutions and Nominating Committees.
The Local Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee.
Committee Members Selection Criteria
Appointments should be staggered to ensure that all committees have members with experience as well as new members to the Committee.
Responsibilities of the Chair
Keep the Local President involved with/informed of the Committee’s plans
Ensure Committee members know:
the supper claim amount of $30 (supper can be claimed by Committee Members for after school meetings that run into supper time/adjourn after 2 hours)
metrage can also be claimed at $0.44/km for any travel beyond what the member would have to travel to get home (full travel minus usual travel to/from work is what can be claimed)
“Manage” the Committee members’ claim forms
Committee Chairs should attempt to plan events/sessions respectfully in terms of members’ time throughout the year.
Names of Committee members and dates of meetings should be sent to the Treasurer each year, as soon as determined, for Finance purposes.
Snacks for meetings can be purchased by the Chair or designate; the budget for these snacks should be kept to no more than $30 - $40 per meeting.
Committee Composition
Each Kings Local Committee can have a maximum of six members, plus the Chair. Quorum is 50% + 1 (Four votes if the Committee is “full”; the Chair votes in the event of a tie)
Each Kings Local Committee can meet for a maximum of four meetings per year. The Chair can request additional meetings if deemed necessary.